
Come essere su rifiutirecupero.it
Se ancora la tua azienda non è presente sul portale italiano del recupero rifiuti, segnalacela da questo form:

Grazie per averci contattato, ti risponderemo al più presto.

La tua richiesta è stata inviata ti risponderemo il prima possibile.
"; $txt_error = "

Following errors occurred:

"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred // ### GERMAN TRANSLATION ### /* $email_subject = "Anfrage an Dott.com"; // error messages $err_name = "Bitte Namen angeben."; $err_phone = "Bitte Telefon angeben."; $err_msg = "Formulieren Sie bitte Ihr Anliegen."; $err_email = "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Email Adresse an."; // misc text $msg_date = "Datum"; $msg_company = "Firma"; $msg_name = "Name"; $msg_address = "Adresse"; $msg_city = "PLZ/Ort"; $msg_phone = "Fon"; $msg_email = "Email"; $msg_answerby = "Antwort per"; $txt_email = "Email"; $txt_phone = "Telefon"; $txt_post = "Post"; $txt_send = "Abschicken"; $txt_mandatory = "Pflichtfeld"; $msg_request = "Anfrage"; // messages $txt_thankyou = "

Danke für Ihr Interesse!

Ihre Anfrage wurde verschickt und Sie werden baldmöglichst kontaktiert werden.
"; $txt_error = "

Bitte beachten Sie folgendes:

"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred */ // ################ END CONFIG ################# function spaces($num, $fill=" "){ $foo=""; for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) $foo.=$fill; return $foo; } function isValidEmail($addr){ if(eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$", $addr)) return true; else return false; } // start form evaluation $error="foo"; if ($_REQUEST['do']=="send"){ $error=false; if ($_REQUEST['name']=="") $error.="» $err_name
"; if ($_REQUEST['fon']=="") $error.="» $err_phone
"; if ($_REQUEST['message']=="") $error.="» $err_msg
"; if (!isValidEmail($_REQUEST['email'])) $error.="» $err_email
"; if ($error===false){ $message="$msg_date:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_date)).date("d M Y, H:i", time()); if ($_REQUEST['firma']) $message.="\n$msg_company:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_company)).$_REQUEST['firma']; if ($_REQUEST['name']) $message.="\n$msg_name:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_name)).$_REQUEST['name']; if ($_REQUEST['adresse']) $message.="\n$msg_address:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_address)).$_REQUEST['adresse']; if ($_REQUEST['ort']) $message.="\n$msg_city:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_city)).$_REQUEST['ort']; if ($_REQUEST['fon']) $message.="\n$msg_phone:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_phone)).$_REQUEST['fon']; $message.="\n$msg_email:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_email))."mailto:".$_REQUEST['email']; $message.="\n\n".spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "="); $message.="\n$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt']."!\n"; $message.=spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "="); $message.="\n\n$msg_request:\n\n".$_REQUEST['message']; mail($target_address, $email_subject, $message, "From: ".$_REQUEST['email']); echo $txt_thankyou; }else if ($error!==false) $error=str_replace("{errors}", $error, $txt_error); } if ($error!==false){ if($error!="foo") echo $error; // form echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
$msg_company \n"; echo "
$msg_name* \n"; echo "
$msg_address \n"; echo "
$msg_city \n"; echo "
$msg_phone* \n"; echo "
$msg_email* \n"; echo "
$msg_answerby* $txt_email  \n"; echo " $txt_phone  \n"; echo " $txt_post\n"; echo "
  * $txt_mandatory
  \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } /* ######################### END Contact Form ########################## ##################################################################### */ ?>
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